The Docs.

Prim+RPC is in prerelease mode and may be unstable until official release.
All Plugins


Plugin Details
  • Plugin Type:
    Method Handler
  • Transport:
  • Works with:

The Prim+RPC server can be configured with Fastify. First, create some module to be shared with server

export function hello() {
	return "Hi from Prim+RPC!"
hello.rpc = "idempotent"
export default hello

Below is a simple example of how to use this module with Fastify:

import { createPrimServer } from "@doseofted/prim-rpc"
import { createMethodHandler } from "@doseofted/prim-rpc-plugins/fastify"
import Fastify from "fastify"
import * as module from "./functions"
const fastify = Fastify()
const methodHandler = createMethodHandler({ fastify })
createPrimServer({ module, methodHandler })
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })

This configuration does not yet support Files and Blobs but we can do so by adding new Fastify plugins. First, install both @fastify/multipart and form-data using your chosen package manager. Then you can configure it like so:

import { createPrimServer } from "@doseofted/prim-rpc"
import { createMethodHandler } from "@doseofted/prim-rpc-plugins/fastify"
import Fastify from "fastify"
import multipartPlugin from "@fastify/multipart"
import formDataHandler from "form-data"
const fastify = Fastify()
const methodHandler = createMethodHandler({ fastify, multipartPlugin, formDataHandler })
createPrimServer({ module, methodHandler })
fastify.listen({ port: 3000 })

Now we can test this out with a simple call from the command line:

curl "http://localhost:3000/prim"

You may also choose a compatible method plugin:

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